More information is not the answer

By Jonathan Carson

“If more information was the answer, we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs” – Derek Sivers

Our information addiction is an impediment to action.

How many articles and books have you read about how to get rich?

Or how to be successful?

Or how to get in shape for summer?

And are you rich, successful, and ripped yet? [Awkward silence]

So where is the disconnect between absorbing information and eliciting value from that information?

Or, why aren’t we all billionaires with perfect abs?

I love this quote from Derek Sivers in Tim Ferriss’ book ‘Tools of Titans’.

Probably because it rings true to me.

I’m a big fan of learning and accumulating information. I love to read widely, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries.

But I’ve also observed how this constant desire for more information can be a hindrance…

… And that’s when you use a perceived lack of information as an excuse to not take action.

I am so guilty of this. You probably are, too.

To use the example in the quote, most of us know what it takes to get abs. It’s a strict diet and regular exercise, right?

If we’re being honest, we’ve got all the information we need to get that killer six-pack.

And yet we still read articles and watch Youtube videos about how to get in shape.

But we don’t need more information. We just need the discipline and commitment to DO IT.

Of course, more information can help optimise your approach, but the key factor is ACTION.

Want to have more energy? You don’t need to read another blog post about it.

You already know you need to switch off Netflix an hour earlier and get a better night’s sleep.

Want to learn to surf? You don’t need to watch hours of Youtube tutorials (I’m talking to myself here!).

You need to get out on the water and fail a lot.

Want to be happy? You don’t need another self-help book.

You know the things that make you happy. Do those things! I could go on and on.

You already know so much.

Connect with your truth.

Unearth your knowledge.

Trust your intuition.

You don’t need to delay doing things until you’ve got ALL of the information.

More information isn’t the answer.

Action is.

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